In an act of spontaneity, Eli and Liz decided to embark on a grand adventure armed with only two chairs. From bustling city squares to serene landscapes, they unfolded their chairs, creating moments of intimacy in unexpected places. These chairs became witness to breathtaking sunsets, shared laughter, and quiet conversations under starlit skies. As they traversed the globe, Eli and Liz discovered that the true essence of their journey wasn't in the destinations but in the shared experiences and the simple joy of unfolding their chairs wherever their hearts led them.
Hello everyone, I’m Eli. I always had big dreams growing up in the city, that never sleeps. I work in the city and no two days are alike. I’ve learned many trades throughout the years. I’m a visual learner and I have a talent for the arts. I love using my hands to build things. From carpentry work, masonry, low voltage electrical, personal trainer, to building retro arcade cabinets. I have always enjoyed the DIY kind of stuff. All these skills came in handy when we purchased our home in the fall of 2019. To everyone's surprise, (cough) Covid hit and in the early spring of 2020 much of everything closed because of it…
A blessing in a time of chaos presented itself to us. We decided to work on our backyard ourselves to create our little haven. What started as a small idea, became a whole yard renovation. (Thanks babe) Lol. Fast forward, here I am working on our next big thing. A new endeavor and we want you guys to be a part of this journey with us. I will also be sharing some of my sculpting models and some of our backyard work pictures. I share the same dreams and aspirations as Liz. I am a true believer of owning some land in the near future and growing our own vegetables and living off the land. We share big dreams and we will continue moving forward until our goals are achieved.
Hey guys, this is Liz. I'm a city girl with a southern spark and am currently an educator who believes all children have a talent they were born with. I love God and Jesus is my savior. I enjoy all things outdoors. One of my favorite pass times is learning about nature and the healing properties of herbs, fruits, and plants. I love traveling, exercising, and riding my bike. I would like to make more time to read books and relax in our backyard. I also enjoy running and am currently training for a few half marathons this year and a marathon in November. One of my life goals is to complete a triathlon sprint but I am terrified of deep waters so I’m taking swimming lessons. When I grow up (lol), I would love to own a piece of land so that we can grow our food and be self-sustainable. We would love to have more time to travel and experience God gifts.
Thank you for taking the time to visit our page and for being patient with us as we are still working on our website. We are excited to share about our experiences in the coming months. Don't forget to check out our merchandise.
We’ve been obsessed with exploring local and foreign neighborhoods for several years - let us show you the best we’ve found! Contact us so we can help you organize a memorable stay at one of the most magical yet affordable places on the planet!